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Fermentiertes Gemüse: Winterkraut!

Aktualisiert: 20. Juni 2023

Fermented Vegetables: Winterkraut.

Winterkraut is one of our staples, and we usually make it in late Fall (Autumn), when the butternut squash is quite ripe. We let it ferment for 3-4 months, and then, in the middle of Winter we can enjoy this wonderful ferment.

And, we usually make enough of it, so it lasts till the new season.

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Winterkraut
Fermentiertes Gemüse: Winterkraut

Winterkraut is a wonderful ferment. It is less sour than some other ferments, because of the butternut squash.

It is also one of the few ferments made without garlic, or onions.

And it has extra benefits, because of the ingredients make up this delicious ferment.

So, let's take a look at some of those benefits.

Regular, or shall I say, plain Sauerkraut is very rich in vitamins C and also in vitamin K.

The C vitamin level, after proper fermentation jumps to about 20 times the original amount, that is normally present in raw cabbage.

But vitamins are not the only beneficial things present. Sauerkraut is also loaded with beneficial probiotics, enzymes and organic acids.

Plus it provides iron, manganese, folate and few other things.

Because of all the above mentioned things, fermented cabbage has many health benefits.

Dr. Axe mentions 7 of them in one of his articles.

1. Supplies Probiotics that Help Improve Digestion

2. Improves Immune Function

3. Reduces Inflammation and Allergies

4. Protects Cognitive Health

5. Can Help You Handle Stress and Improve Your Mood

6. Beneficial for Weight Loss or Maintenance

7. Provides Cancer-Fighting Antioxidants

Now, add to this the health benefits of butternut squash, carrots and ginger, and you will end up with another fermented superfood, that is super healthy and also very delicious.

When we look at butternut squash alone, it is already quite impressive.

Here are just 8 benefits quoted by Organic Authority

  • Prevents high blood pressure. ...

  • Promotes regularity. ...

  • Improves eyesight. ...

  • Keeps bones strong. ...

  • Protects your skin. ...

  • Boosts immune function. ...

  • Reduces inflammation. ...

  • Aids in weight loss

Here's more from

So, now back to our Winterkraut.

Here are the veggies that we use to make it.

We start with cabbage, and then comes the squash.

Next, come the carrots, and we end up with this colorful palette.

Then it's time for unrefined sea salt, and our heavy helpers.

Those stones help with drawing the juices out of the vegetables. So they do the hard job for us.

Next, comes the fresh ginger juice, and then we mix everything to get it ready for our beautiful fermenting crocks.

Then comes our standard fermentation time.

After about 2-3 months, our Winterkraut goes into retail glass jars:

Fermentiertes Winterkraut im Glass.
Bärbuchas fermentiertes Winterkraut.

And then, into the fridge.

It continues to ferment further inside the fridge, but at a much slower pace.

Here's a close up of our retail jar and the label:

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Winterkraut zum Kaufen

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Winterkraut Etikett

Winterkraut is available in two different sizes: 410 gr and 175 gr.

Fermentiertes Winterkraut - Bärbucha Fermenterei

Another thing worth mentioning - as you can see, there were no plastics used during the production, fermentation, or storage.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend among many people who produce fermented vegetables or drinks, and then pack them in plastics, not understanding that organic acids pull all the chemicals from those containers.

As a result, their customers get a Molotov cocktail of chemicals, thinking that they are getting a healthy product.

And just for your information, there are NO safe food grade plastic containers that would not be affected by live organic acids.

Winterkraut can be enjoyed in many different ways.

The simplest way is eating it straight from the jar. But you can go beyond that and enjoy it in a more creative way.

Below are some examples of how we have used it.

With Brussels Sprouts, Quinoa and Roasted Purple Potatoes:

Or, with Pumpkin Seeds, Baby Swiss Chard and Grilled Sourdough Bread.

Ingredients: White Cabbage, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Ginger and Unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt

To purchase / zum Kaufen klicke bitte unten.

Disclaimer: All medical information in this post is merely information & not advise. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional.

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