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Kombucha Face Mask

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: 18. Feb.

The actual name for this product should be Kombucha Scoby Face Mask, or just a Scoby Face Mask.

Kombucha Face Mask - Bärbucha Fermenterei
Kombucha Face Mask - Bärbucha Fermenterei

Unfortunately, there are two problems with that - the first name is a bit too long, and in the case of the second one, not everybody is familiar with the Scoby term (SCOBY = Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast).

Especially here in Germany, where the old terminology of a Tea Mushroom (Teepilz) still rules.

But let's get back to our Super Special Face Mask.

Why Super Special?

Because we do not use a regular Scoby to make this mask.

We use our Super Scobies that grow during our Chaga Kombucha fermentation.

And Chaga (a wild, medicinal mushroom) contains up to 25% melanin by volume, and melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color, among other things.

So here's how we make this Mask.

When we make our Chaga Kombucha.

We save some of the Scobies that grow on top of the Kombucha.

And we keep them till we're ready to make a new batch of the Scoby Mask.

When that time comes, we place them into a food processor, along with some Kombucha Vinegar.

And we purée them till they are of the right consistency.

Which looks like this.

Next, it's time for Bentonite.

Bentonite or Bentonite Clay is a substance that is composed of volcanic ashes and has been used as as medicine, usually as a detox medium, or in the external and internal cleansing.

Here's a bit more about Bentonite from Wellness Mama.

"Healing clays like bentonite have a high concentration of minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. It also absorbs and removes toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals.Because of this, Bentonite clay is a common ingredient in detox and cleansing products. Common external uses include poultices, mud packs, detox baths, and skin care recipes."


" Bentonite clay is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid its electrical components change, carrying a strong negative charge which bonds to the positive charge in many toxins.When it comes in contact with a toxin, chemical, or heavy metal, the clay will absorb the toxin and release its minerals for the body to use. Bentonite also helps get oxygen to cells as it pulls excess hydrogen and allows the cells to replace it with oxygen instead."

Here's some more from Paleo Hacks.

With regards to Chaga, here's a chart from Feng Shui London.

So, back to our Face Mask and the Bentonite Clay.

When the Scoby is puréed, we add the Bentonite.

And few drops of the Lavender Essential Oil by DoTerra.

There's more to this oil than just the aroma factor.

Lavender EO has been used for skincare for quite some time.

Listed below, are just are some of the reasons why.

This is only a list of the chapters, for more please visit 100% Pure's blog:

"1. Fights Acne

2. Soothes Eczema and Dry Skin Conditions

3. Anti-inflammatory Superstar

4. Detoxifies Skin

5. Heals Injured Skin

6. Helps Prevent Wrinkles"

So, next all the ingredients get mixed thoroughly.

Once mixed, they go into the the fridge for 24 hours. After that we can check the consistency.

Once we're happy with it, the mixture goes into our retails jars, and it looks like this:

Bärbucha's Scoby Face Mask

And the label:

Scoby Face Mask Etikett

We have described the benefits of Chaga, Bentonite and of the Lavender Oil.

Scoby also contributes to those benefits, as it contains a wide variety of organic acids, enzymes and probiotic bacteria.

Just organic acids alone, have a detoxifying effect on the skin. Plus they make the skin feeling firmer and younger.

The application and the use of the mask is quite simple. Just apply a thin layer over your face, and let it sit for 15-20 min.

Then wash it off with warm water. Some skin reddening can occur, and it is quite normal.

Remember to keep the Kombucha Mask refrigerated below 6 C.

This item is currently available from time to time, as a special.

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