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Fermented Vegetables: Carrots with Ginger And Turmeric!

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: 19. Feb.

Our Lacto-fermented Carrots. Pretty and delicious!.

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Möhren-Ingwer-Kurkuma
Fermentiertes Gemüse: Möhren-Ingwer-Kurkuma

There are three main ingredients that make up this tasty ferment: carrots, ginger and turmeric. All 3 are very powerful health-wise, so their combination makes this ferment a real powerhouse.

Let's look at those ingredients.

First, we will start with carrots.

When you type health benefits of carrots, you will find a lot of information. Here's just one example, taken from here.

And a bit about what nutrients you will find carrots (from here)

That is already quite impressive. Now let's add some fresh ginger to it (see here)

And some fresh turmeric juice (from here)

Now, add to all that the benefits of lacto-fermentation, and you will have a better picture how powerful this mixture is.

Let's start with how it's all done.

First come these beautiful carrots:

These we shred very thin with our food processor:

Next, comes the ginger and turmeric juicing:

Finally comes the unrefined sea salt. Along with it, we add those freshly extracted juices, and also some filtered and revitalized water.

We let this mixture sit for few hours, pressed by heavy stones so that the salt pulls the juices out of the carrots. Sometimes that process goes throughout the whole night.

When the carrots soften up and the juices come out, it is time to transfer the mixture into our fermenters.

After around two to three months, we open those crocks, and after removing the weights we are treated to a sight like this:

The next step, is to transfer the carrots into the retail glass jars.

Bärbuchas fermenttierte Möhren

And when that is done, the finished product looks like this:

Fermentierte Möhren im Glas
Fermentiertes Gemüse: Möhren mit Ingwer und Kurkuma zum Kaufen

Here's a close up of the label:

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Möhren-Ingwer-Kurkuma Etikett

Our Carrots are available in two different sizes: 410 gr and 175 gr.

Fermentierte Möhren - Bärbucha Fermenterei

Along the the carrots we always end up with having some extra juices.

Those, we offer separately in 350 ml bottles.

Our Lacto-fermented Carrots are great on their own, but you can also use them in salads, like

this salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Arugula and Cashews:

Or this one, with Whole Grain Spelt Couscous and Grilled Zucchini:

Ingredients: Carrots, Filtered and Revitalized Water, Unrefined Sea Salt, Turmeric Juice, and Ginger Juice

To purchase / zum Kaufen klicke bitte unten.

Disclaimer: All medical information in this post is merely information & not advise. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional.



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