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Elderflower Vinegar - Bärbucha Fermenterei!

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: vor 4 Tagen

This is our first vinegar of this (2021) year, with more to come.

Right at this moment our famous Apple Vinegar is also in the works and will be available in a few months.

Lebendiger Holunderblütten Essig - Elderflower Vinegar
Lebendiger Holunderblütten Essig - Elderflower Vinegar

Now let's go back to our Elderflower Vinegar (Holunderblüten Essig) as that's the name in German.

Every year in late May or early June we make Elderflower Jun as a special.

It is always very popular among our customers. This year we ended up with picking quite a lot of Elderflowers, so we thought we could give it a try at making a vinegar out of it.

Normally vinegars are sugar based. That usually stems from the cost factor - sugar is way cheaper that honey. Another factor is the fact that sugar based vinegar has a sharper taste and the one made with honey is milder.

Nevertheless honey based vinegars are still produced till today, although they are more difficult to come by.

Our vinegar started almost exactly the same way as our Elderflower Jun, but we have significantly increased the amount of honey.

So here, we have filtered water, raw honey and Elderflowers at the initial point of fermentation.

After few days the essence of Elderflowers and their pollen comes out into the honey-water mixture.

After a week or so, we strain the flowers.

Next, we let the liquid ferment further in order to develop higher alcohol level. We also add a bit of our Jun to help transform this alcohol into organic acids, but specifically into acetic acid.

From now it takes at least two months.

During this time a Vinegar Mother built up and the liquid cleared up.

It was the beginning of September and it was a sign that our vinegar is finally ready.

Here it is during bottling:

Lebendiger Holunderblüten Essig

And when finally ready.

Lebendiger Holunderblüten Essig zum Kaufen

Elderflower Vinegar combines all the benefits of Elderflowers and of raw honey, as none of those ingredients were ever thermally treated.

It is also unfiltered and it is similar to Apple Vinegar, except that it is very delicate, flowery and delicious.

Below, you can see it in a good company of our other raw vinegars.

And here is the label.

Lebendiger Holunderblütten Essig - Bärbucha Fermenterei

This delicious raw vinegar is also a part of our our Oxymel!

Lebendiger Oxymel - Bärbucha Fermenterei

Elderflower Vinegar Ingredients: Raw and Unfiltered Elderflower Vinegar (Honey-based)

To buy our Elderflower Vinegar, please click on the button below.

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