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Kombucha Vinegar!

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: 19. Feb.

Kombucha Vinegar is created through a fermentation process in which the sugar that is used to make Kombucha is broken down totally, and as a result live organic acids are created.

Kombucha Vinegar (Essig) has been with us for as long as we've been making our Bärbucha Kombucha.

Kombucha Essig - Bärbucha Fermenterei
Kombucha Essig - Bärbucha Fermenterei

It is actually a kind of by-product of Kombucha production, but we make ours on purpose, as over the time we found quite a few uses for it, and obviously without making it on purpose, we would not have enough of it.

For this particular reason we have acquired this 50 L oak barrel

Here our Kombucha Vinegar ages for 3-4 months.

Kombucha Vinegar is created through a fermentation process in which the sugar that is used to make Kombucha is broken down totaly, and as a result live organic acids are created.

Those acids include "glucuronic acid, gluconic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, malic acid and usnic acid" (more here)

When those organic acids are formed, two of them are more dominant than the other ones - glucuronic and gluconic acids.

And that in effect makes Kombucha Vinegar a lot milder, as compared to a white vinegar, or even apple cider vinegar, where acetic acid dominates.

White or apple vinegar have a higher concentration of 5%, while our Kombucha Vinegar will only have a concentration of only about 2%, quite often less than that.

So how does Kombucha Vinegar compare to other types of vinegar. For one, it is a lot healthier and much better than all those dead vinegars - like white vinegar (quite often derived from GMO soy, or artificially created in big vats within a half an hour time), red vinegar, or fake Balsamic vinegar, which is usually loaded with artificial substances.

Since Kombucha Vinegar is a live vinegar, it is more comparable to unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar it can also be used in the same way as ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar).


- So one of the first basic uses would be a Salad Dressing or a Vinaigrette. So think about the beneficial organic acids, enzymes but also beneficial polyphenols that come from the tea.

- Kombucha Vinegar has also been used as a Facial Toner - helping with the skin to balance the skin’s pH and also kills bacteria that could clog pores resulting in acne and also having a peeling effect removing dead skin cells and rejuvenating the skin cells underneath.

As a matter of fact some companies are already making skin products that include Kombucha Vinegar.

- As a Hair Wash - used just like ACV in which the acetic acid cuts through the gunk, stripping the dull hair and returning a natural sheen. Kombucha Vinegar, although being milder also does the job. Some people use it also as a tonic after shampoo.

- We use Kombucha Vinegar as s Bath Soak, along with Dead Sea salt (rich in Magnesium) and some essential oils.

- Some people use Kombucha Vinegar as a Cleaner or Cleanser, especially when used with few drops of essential oil, like a lemon or tea tree essential oils which have antimicrobial properties. For that you can put it in a spray bottle and use it for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

- You can also use it in the morning with a glass of warm water to balance your pH, just like people use lemon juice.

- Just like AVC, Kombucha Vinegar can be used as a Natural Deodorant.

- But one of our top favorite uses for this live vinegar is in Pickling and Fermenting.

We have it, so we use it.

And since it contains natural tannins from the tea, and the presence of tannins prevents the veggies pickled and fermented in it from going limp. So they stay crispy for months and months.

One of the best examples of that is our Red Cabbage which is pickled (and fermented) in this vinegar

We make this one for those who like cucumbers in vinegar brine.

It also goes into our Fermented Ketchup and our Fermented Mustard:

And into Whole Onion Pickle, along with Honey, Salt and Spices:

So basically the sky is the limit, as far as "how to use it" goes.

Even our Scoby Face mask also has Kombucha Vinegar in it!

Here's a close up of the retail bottle and of the label.

Lebendiger Kombucha Essig zum Kaufen

Bärbuchas Kombucha Essig Etikett

One small correction!

It incorrectly states on the label to keep this vinegar refrigerated.

There's rally no need for that.

It was a misprint that we did not catch before those labels were printed.

Ingredients: 100% Raw Unfiltered Kombucha Vinegar

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