Out of all the fermented foods, Milk Kefir stands up well above the crowd.
And that's because it is very healthy, and because this fact is well documented.

But not the commercial one, though. That one has been modified, so it can sit on a shelf for weeks without separating.
We are talking about the home-made Kefir, here. And this home-made Milk Kefir is quite different.
And this is exactly the one that we make, we drink, and we sell in our Café.
In order to make it, one needs to use good Milk Kefir cultures.
And those we have, and we use them everyday.
They are also available for pick up in our Kombucha Café, or they can be ordered through our online store - Milk Kefir Cultures

So what is Milk Kefir?
Kefir "is a fermented milk drink that originated in the Caucasus Mountains which is traditionally made with kefir "grains, a yeast/bacterial fermentation starter." (Wikipedia)
So now that we have a definition, lets go to check of the benefits.
We will use some visual aids as they present things in a more interesting way.
One of our favorite alternative doctors, writes this:

And also this:

Plus this:

Another source quotes these benefits:

Milk Kefir is not only healthy, but it is also delicious. The fermentation process practically eliminates milk's lactose, and it makes it more digestible for people, even for those who have problems dealing with this "milk's sugar".
And on a personal note. Since I started drinking Milk Kefir regularly, my Spring allergies disappeared last year. And I had to deal with them every single year since 1995.
Now that is something, especially that I have been drinking Kombucha and eating other fermented foods for years, and those two did not seem to make a difference.
Making Milk Kefir is very easy.
All you need is milk, the best quality you can find, and the Kefir grains.
Raw milk is optimal, if you can find it. Goat milk is also great. Buffalo milk make one of the creamiest Kefirs, and that's because the fat content in buffalo milk is a lot higher than in regular milk.
We use local BIO (Organic) milk that has not been homogenized.

It comes from pasture raised cows, and it makes great Kefir.
The process only takes about 24 hrs, and when the Kefir is done it looks like this:

When the Kefir grains are strained, you can see the wonderful texture and creaminess:

We make our Milk Kefir fresh every day.

If you don't feel like making your own Milk Kefir (and it is a daily commitment), you can always stop by at our Café Bärbucha and pick up a jar or two:

When Milk Kefir sits for a few days, a natural separation occurs, and you will start seeing clear liquid on the bottom of the jar (whey) and the milk solids at the top.
Sometimes that separation happens right in the middle of the jar. Like on the pic below.

Do not be alarmed. Just shake the jar, and the content should combine together.
After it sits for too many days, this will not happen any more.
This separated Kefir is still good, it is just more sour. You can strain those solids and use them as fresh cheese.
We enjoy our Kefir just the way it is.

Out of our Milk Kefir, we also make Kefir Cheese, which is also available daily.
As a by-product of this "cheese-making", we end up having another great product, called
Since both of our fermented milk products (Kefir and Cheese) are not so shelf-stable, we do not sell them through our online shop. They are only available in our Café.
Fermented Whey, on the other way can be purchased by clicking the button below.
To buy our Milk Kefir Set, click here

Disclaimer: All medical information in this post is merely information & not advise. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional.