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Pear Vinegar - Bärbucha Fermenterei!

Autorenbild: TadeuszTadeusz

Aktualisiert: 19. Feb.

This our third vinegar this year. The other two: Apple Vinegar and Elderflower Vinegar, are already our yearly staples.

Lebendiger Birnen Essig - Pear Vinegar - Bärbucha Fermenterei
Lebendiger Birnen Essig - Pear Vinegar - Bärbucha Fermenterei

First time we made Pear Vinegar was two years ago. It was quite popular and we sold out quite fast. This year we should have enough for a while.

Pear Vinegar making is quite simple, and the steps are identical to those of Apple Vinegar making. So, three ingredients and plenty of time.

The most important one: good quality pears. And we were lucky to get our hands on three different varieties. Pictured below, are two of them.

The other two ingredients: plenty of sugar and good tasting filtered water.

The pears were very juicy and sweet, so we know that the vinegar will be super tasty.

So, since we are using three different varieties of pears, our vinegar batches are made at different times.

At the time that we are cutting last pears, the first batches that we made at the beginning of September, are ready for straining.

On some of them, Vinegar Mother started to form. This can be seen by the white growth on top of the pear pieces.

Once all the batches are done, we will mix them together for a consistent flavor.

And here are the steps to make our Pear Vinegar.

First, we cut the pears into pieces.

Next, comes the unrefined BIO sugar.

Lots of it!

And then comes our filtered and revitalized water.

And some stones to keep the pears down. Next, we put the lid on and a cloth on top, for better looks.

From this point on, it will take about a month, or so for that sugar to be broken down into alcohol. That happens with the help of natural yeasts that are present on the skins of the pears.

When the time is ripe, we strain those pears, as can be seen on the pics above, and then we only have a high alcoholic liquid.

That liquid, as can be seen in the middle jar, will sit for at least one moth more, till all that alcohol will be converted into acetic acids.

Few weeks down the road, yeasts start dying off and they form a sediment on the bottom of the jars.

The whole process of turning into vinegar will happen with the help of the acetic acid bacteria called Acetobacter. But for that, an exposure to oxygen is needed. And for that reason, the jar is only covered with a cloth at this stage.

Couple more weeks down the road and we can see beautiful vinegar mothers forming on top of our jars with Pear Vinegar.

This is a sign that our vinegar is almost ready.

Two weeks later, or 2 months later from the very beginning, our 2022 Pear Vinegar is ready for bottling.

Lebendiger Birnen Essig zum Kaufen

And here it is, in the good company of our other vinegars, ready for pick up.

And the label.

Ingredients: Raw and Unfiltered Pear Vinegar

To purchase / zum Kaufen klicke bitte unten.



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