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Fermentiertes Gemüse: Superkraut!

Aktualisiert: 20. Juni 2023

Fermented Vegetables: Superkraut.

Superkraut is one of our oldest vegetable lacto-ferments.

Bärbuchas Fermentiertes Gemuse: Superkraut.
Fermentiertes Gemüse: Superkraut.

Right after the opening in May, 2015 a jar of our first Superkaut was made, and in August that year, we already served it, as a side dish.

Why Superkraut?

Because a simple Sauerkraut can be a bit boring, but a jazzed up version will give you more fermented veggies inside - hence more vitamins, organic acids, and beneficial enzymes.

But all those goodies develop only after a proper, and a lengthy fermentation.

So we start with these four beautiful veggies:

Savoy cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and sweet peppers.

When all the veggies are cut up, they get all mixed together, and they are rubbed with unrefined sea salt.

Next, we place heavy stones on top of the veggies, and they stay there (covered), till the vegetable juices come out.

After that, we add pureed onions and garlic.

Here's how those veggies look like after some mixing.

And, when it's all done, it is time for fermentation crocks.

A portion of those veggies, will also go into our special Fermentation Glass Jars.

Those jars serve as our showcase pieces, so that people can see how the fermentation process progresses.

As is the case with our other veggie ferments, we let our Superkraut ferment for 2-3 months.

When finally that time comes, we label our retail jars, and we transfer the Kraut into those jars.

Fermentiertes Sauerkraut im Glass.

Here's the final product:

Bärbuchas fermentiertes Superkraut zum Kaufen.

After fermenting for longer time, Superkraut reaches its full potential.

Now, it is loaded with bacteria, vitamins (especially C), beneficial enzymes, organic acids and more.

All those nutrients are now bio-available and the veggies are very easy on the stomach.

It is as if they were pre-digested by the lactic acid bacteria.

Unopened, our Superkraut can stay over one year without getting spoiled.

It ages very well and it only becomes more delicious with time!

As far as flavor goes, our Superkraut tastes like a jazzed up Sauerkraut with some detectable notes of the veggies that were added to the cabbage.

It is also one of our more popular ferments.

You can enjoy our Superkraut either as a side dish.

Or, you can get more creative, and you can enjoy it mixed in a salad, like this one below, with Roasted Beets, Pistachios, Avocado, and Brown Chickpeas.

Or any other way that you can think of!

Here's a close up of our retail jar, and of the label.

Fermentiertes Sauerkraut im Glass.

Fermentiertes Gemüse: Superkraut Etikett.

Our Superkraut is available in two different sizes: 410 gr and 175 gr.

Fermentiertes Superkraut - Bärbucha Fermenterei

Ingredients: Savoy Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Sweet Red Peppers, Grey Atlantic Salt, Onions, and Garlic

To purchase / zum kaufen klicke bitte unten.

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